首頁 > 創意 > 穿越時空的旅行者



這組系列作品始於2010年的一次旅行,Ralph 在街上的垃圾中發現了一個被遺棄的棕色手提箱,激起了他對穿越時空旅行者的想像。所以他創造了一個典型的懷舊形象,西裝、帽子、雨傘、手提箱......穿梭時空,出現在格格不入的場景中。

The Observing Collective

On the way with Interflug

A rest at the beach

At the dune

In the cold

The Master of Containers


Watching Silos

The Giant

Watching the last movie

In the grand dining hall

Visiting the factory

In the staircage

Astray in wintery wasteland

At the bunker"s summit

Hey, is there anybody in there?

Wandering through desolation

Badly Parked

At The Gas Station

Entering Juliet

Lost In A Field Of Poppy

Errantry in Salt Marsh

Waiting for the Boat

Staring at the Sea

At the Little Bay

Watching the Sea

Under the Big Sky

Through the Cold

LPG Inspection

Factory Inspection

Walking on the Rooftop

In Memory of Lilienthal

Flying with Ju

Against the Sun (col)

Waiting for the Bus

Waiting for the Train

Waiting at the Siding

In the Parking Garage

A Rest With Ernest

About to Jump

Inspecting Apartments

Dusk of Desolation

Watching the Fallen Star

Angrily Calling The Service


Lost in Wintery Desolation

On the Way into the Cold

Does the Bus Come

On a Trip to the Alps

Errantry in Business Parks

Checking Oil

At the Hotel of Hope

The Pool Attendant

Balancing at the Ruin"s Pool

Hurry to the Rooftop

Errantry Between Containers

At Home?

In the Desert of Brandenburg

Room to Let

No Service

In a Staircase

Looking to the Outside

Hoping for a Better Future

Behind the Screen

In the Corridor

Waiting for the Show

Visiting Ernest



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聖保羅 一九八二至今的魚市場