首頁 > 育兒 > 8句撩人到腿軟的情話,每一句都很肉麻,趕快發給你的心上人!



My heart aches when you cry. If you smile, my heart will be happy. If you leave, my heart will panic. When you come, my heart will fly. When you are happy, I am happy. If you are happy, I will be happy!


I am your Romeo, happy for you and worried for you. Seeing you smile, my heart trembles, and I think your food is hard to swallow. Willing to do everything for you, always with you, feeling deeply hand in hand, love life in my heart!


People who like to say a little spoil to me, I will hide in the quilt to smile, laugh and feel very idiot, but brewing for a long time or continue to want to laugh.


In fact, I like boys with beautiful handwriting, or boys who can play basketball, or boys who can solve math problems, and boys who have good voices. But if it were you, nothing would be okay.


There is no limit to the hardships. It is me who will turn back. See what the world is like, see you. I awake light-hearted this morning of spring, how are you getting along?


You were carbonated in your last life, weren"t you? Otherwise, why do I see you and bubble happily?


You smile, the whole summer is peppermint flavor, such as the glass bottle beverage taken out of the refrigerator, with ice drops of cool and charming proud jiao.

和你一起走在馬路上,上海的冬天也暖和些。如果你要笑, 覺得太陽會照到我心裡。

Walking on the road with you makes it warmer in winter in Shanghai. If you want to laugh, you think the sun will shine on my heart.


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