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研究人員也對這一結果感到吃驚,他們原本計劃的是像其它研究那樣,證明人們同時做兩件事時會把兩件事都做的很爛。這一反直覺的發現發表在《公共科學圖書館·綜合》(PLoS ONE)雜誌上。


Rare Multitasking Plus: Brain-Teasers Enhance Workout

If you』re like me, you know that multitasking?does not always save time. You?slow down or make mistakes?that require fixing. But maybe I』m just doing the wrong things. Because a new study shows that people on a stationary bike pedaled faster when they simultaneously tackled some sort of mental test.

Even the researchers were surprised by that result. They had originally set out to demonstrate what other studies have shown: that when people try to do two things at once, they do both more poorly. Their?counterintuitive?finding is in the journalPLoS ONE.

In the experiment, subjects were asked to complete various cognitive jobs that ranged in difficulty—everything from saying 『go』 when they saw a blue star on a projection screen to remembering a long list of numbers and then repeating them back in reverse order. They tackled these tasks once while sitting in a quiet room and again while on the bike.

Turns out, cyclists rode 25 percent faster when they were distracted by some mental gymnastics—but...[full transcript]


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