首頁 > 知識 > 15歲男孩通過星座定為發現瑪雅文化



They may have lived some 1,700 years ago, but the ancient Maya had an incredible knowledge of celestial bodies, which they believed influenced everything from harvest to death.古瑪雅人也許生活在距今1700多年前,不過他們對天文學卻著讓人難以置信的研究,在瑪雅的信仰里,天文學可以影響一切,從豐收到死亡。

Now a 15-year-old boy has studied astronomical charts devised by these ancient Mexican people, as well as satellite photos, to pinpoint the location of aforgotten Mayan city.現在,一個15歲的男孩通過觀察由古墨西哥人繪製出來的星圖,結合衛星圖像,發現了一座失落的瑪雅古城。

William Gadoury, from Quebec has named the 』lost city』 in the Yucatan jungle K』aak Chi, orMouth of Fire.來自加拿大魁北克的15歲男孩William Gadoury將這座在尤卡坦叢林中發現的失落瑪雅古城命名為「烈火之口」。

Satellite images suggest the lost city could be among the largest built by the ancient civilisation, which thrived between 300 and 700 AD.衛星圖像顯示,這座古城有可能是公元300年到公元700年間興盛的古文明時代最大的建築。

Wondering why the ancient people built their cities far away from rivers and in inhospitable mountains prompted the teenager to look to the sky for answers, because the Mayans worshiped the stars」為何瑪雅人建立城市時會遠離河流,選擇深山中的熱帶叢林?這激起了William的好奇心,又因為瑪雅人崇拜恆星,他開始研究星象圖以找尋謎底。

Incredibly, the brightest of the stars match up with the largest cities.不可思議的是,最亮的星星恰好就代表的是那些主城。

『I was really surprised and excited when I realised that the most brilliant stars of the constellations matched the largest Maya cities.』 He told The Journal of Montreal.他告訴蒙特利爾日報,「當我發現那些最亮的星座正好對應瑪雅那些大城市時,我驚奇不已。」

He is said to be the first to make the connection, which could lead to further finds.據稱William是第一個發現這種對應關係的人,這項發現會通向更進一步、更深層次的研究。

It was in the 23rd constellation, containing three stars, that he found two matching cities on the map, suggesting one has not yet been re-discovered.他就是在研究第23張星座圖時發現了問題:圖中有三顆星星,但只有兩顆能與已知古城對上號,意味著第三顆星極未有可能尚未被發掘。

To investigate further, he used satellite images from the Canadian Space Agency and Google Earth to search the dense jungle for any signs of buildings.為了深入調查,他使用加拿大太空局提供的衛星圖片和谷歌地球上的圖像,在茂密的叢林中尋找建築物的跡象。

The photographs revealed linear features that 『stuck out,』 Daniel De Lisle, from the Canadian Space Agency told The Independent.加拿大太空局的Daniel De Lisle告訴獨立報,照片顯示出「醒目的」線性特徵。

『There are linear features that would suggest there is something underneath that big canopy,』 hesaid.他說,這意味著蒼穹之下,那裡一定有什麼東西。

Armand La Rocque, from the University of New Brunswick believes one of the images shows network of streets leading to a large square, which may be a pyramid.來自新不倫瑞克大學的專家Armand Larocque認為,其中一張圖片顯示出的街道布局通向一個大廣場,極有可能是一座金字塔。

『A square is not natural, it is mostly artificial and can hardly be attributed to natural phenomena,』 he said.他說,「廣場並非天然形成,很可能是人工造的,不太可能是自然現象所致。

」It』s possible 30 buildings accompany an impressive pyramid at the site.除了這座讓人驚嘆的金字塔,此處可能還有30棟建築。

If true, the lost city would be one of the five largest known to archaeologists, built by the Mayans.如果被驗證屬實,那座古城將會是考古學家已知的、瑪雅的第五大城市。

Linking the position of stars and the location of a lost city and the use of satellite images on a tinyterritory to identify the remains buried under dense vegetation, is quite exceptional.』將星座的位置與失落的古城聯繫起來,使用一小塊地域的衛星圖象,以鑒別掩埋在濃密植被下的遺址,這真的是讓人非常意外。

Dr la Rocque thinks William Gadoury』s technique could lead archaeologists to pinpointing the location of more possible lost Mayan metropolises.Dr la Rocque認為,考古學家或許能借鑒William的這種技術,發掘出更多的瑪雅失落古城。

The teenager would like to see the Mayan』s Mouth of Fire for himself and as yet, no-one has ventured into the jungle to confirm his 『find』.這個少年想親自去見證瑪雅的「烈火之口」,然而,還沒有人冒險到叢林中去驗證他的「發現」。

Gadoury』s discovery will be presented at Brazil』s International Science fair in 2017 and publishedin a journal.William的這個發現會在2017年巴西國際科學技術博覽會上展出,並出版在一個雜誌上。

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