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The Bungai Terung, which translates to the eggplant Borneo flower, is the first tattoo an Iban individual would receive. The Bungai Terung is a tattoo which marks the Iban tradition known as Bejalai (a journey of knowledge and wisdom), where an individual would leave their longhouse to experience the world. The tattoo is located on the front of the shoulder (never the chest) to show where ones bag straps lie, to prepare the individual to carry the weight of their own world. passage of a person into adulthood. The Bungai Terung has a spiral at the center of the eggplant flower the Tali Nyawa, which means the rope of life and is identical to the underside of a tadpole which symbolizes the beginning of a new life.[citation needed]


All the tattoos, following the eggplant flower, are like a diary. A young male would go out on his own to find knowledge and from each place he went to he would get one tattoo to mark not only where he is from but also where he has been. From each place the tattoos have different styles so the regional differences in his tattoos would tell the story of his journeys in life.[citation needed]


Borneo tattoos do not just mark physical journeys. Some represent big life events, such as fathering children etc. For example, there is a tattoo a man can have done on his hand called the Entegulun. You can only have this if you have taken heads. Most tattoos are for protection, for example the tattoos on the throat (pantang Rekong) are meant to give strength to the skin on the throat, to stop the bearer s enemies from being able to sever the bearer s head. Males and Females of high status would get the throat tattooed. It symbolizes an individual who is highly accomplished in a field of their life, e.g.; A warrior who has taken many heads, or a great Shaman, or a headman of a longhouse, or a great carver or artist, etc.[citation needed]The tattoos on the back (Ketam Itit/Ketupong) represent the back of the crab, the tattoos on the arms (Ketam Lengan)represent the arms of the crab. A crabs shell is a hard armor, which protects its wearer.


Borneo tattooing today[edit]

Many of the designs no longer exist. In the 1950s and 1960s many people in Borneo converted to Christianityand a lot of the traditional tattooing stopped. The tattooing and designs almost died away. About 10 years ago there was a resurgence when a lot of journalists and researchers came and asked questions about the old ways. This caused a lot of the younger people to look back and now many of them are getting these traditional tattoos done again.[citation needed]



Am I wearing this right?

There is a saying of, 「If it ain』t broke, don』t fix it」. The classic Bunga Terung design being just that: classic, might not warrant a makeover. However, the traditional Bunga Terung tattoo has such a deep meaning behind it; 1) One on each shoulder for the 『Berjalai』 journey to make you stronger to carry your travelling pack, 2) Protection, and 3) the centre coil to symbolise the transformation from a tadpole (young man) to maturity.


It is this profound relationship with a dying practise that it is better to preserve its status as an Iban tribal ritual antiquity than to have its importance diluted and misunderstood by being misused by today』s wearers. Tattoos are freely received and given out today in a contemporary society where self-expression in the form of body modification is part of a thriving industry. A very large majority of wearers will get a design based purely on aesthetics, and this unfortunately results in many instances of misapplication of tattoos; misinterpretation, wrong connotations, inappropriate location on the body, demeaning of tribal ritual tattoos and so forth (Christensen W., 2012) Most obvious of all, today』s wearers do not go on 『Berjalai』 journeys, and many seekers are not of Borneo origins, let alone Iban.



A picture of a young man who wanted to get a tattoo but was afraid of needles. Picture by Alfred Charlie. The wearer is Iban.

Remember, the Bunga Terung must be done in pairs, for balancing and protecting both sides of your body. That being said, you are free to do as you please… after all tattooing is about personal expression. This post is just a gentle reminder as to the original function and intention of the Bunga Terung.


As mentioned earlier in the blog, the Bunga Terung is a deviation of the Mata Aso. Here we will look at the components individually.


The Bunga Terung motif, drawn by Sonny Jumpo.

『Bunga』 is a Malay word for flower, and 『Terung』 is Malay for brinjal, or eggplant. Do note that the Iban language contains many words adopted from the Malay language.



The eggplant flower. Photograph Juan Buitrago。The frog life cycle is significant to the Iban because of the connotation it has with the coming of age of a young man. This is represented by the coil, or 『Tali Nyawa』.



According to the diagram, on the 70th day from the frog』s existence as an egg, the tadpole would have begun sprout the beginnings of hind legs. This is drawn in comparison to the Iban custom of a young men going into the jungle alone for the first time to fulfill a certain task, most often, the hunt for the first kill. The phrase for this in Iban is 『Berjalai』, which means to walk. As the tadpole shows readiness to begin life on land, so is young man who is ready to walk into the world as a grown man. Before the young man embarks on his journey, he will receive two Bunga Terung, one on each shoulder. The Bunga Terung should never be worn as a single design. It must be in a pair to balance and to protect both sides of the body. It should also be noted that it is around this stage of a tadpole』s life cycle that the fully developed and pronounced intestinal coils can be seen through a transparent belly. 『Tali Nyawa』 directly refers to the coil, and translates as 『Rope of Life』.





Side, top and bottom view of a preserved tadpole specimen. Picture from the Municipality of Caldas, Novas, Goias, Brazil.

Significance of the Bunga Terung

The Bunga Terung, which translates to eggplant flower, is the first tattoo a Borneo male would receive. The Bunga Terung is a coming of age tattoo which marks the passage of a boy into manhood. The Bunga Terung has a spiral at the center of the eggplant flower, known as Tali Nyawa, which means the rope of life and is identical to the underside of a which symbolizes the beginning of a new life.


Did you know that Iban warriors back in the 40s fought against Japanese soldiers that came equipped with machine guns, armed with only tattoos and spears?All but one soldier came back alive.



Image via Lars Krutak

The late Maung was an Iban warrior and tattoo artist

In 2002, American tattoo anthropologist Lars Krutak photographed an elderly Iban tattoo artist, Maung of the Skrang River in Sarawak.


Maung reportedly fought Japanese soldiers that were armed with heavy machine guns during the second world war and Japanese occupation in Malaya with nothing but his spears and charmed tattoos.


The oldest surviving Iban tattoo artist from Skrang river claimed that all the tattoos that he hand-tapped were magical thanks to the meteorite that dips in all the tattooing inks he makes.


"They just went around and through me and I was never wounded," said Maung, as quoted by Lars Krutak.



The word tattoo is said to have originated from the Tahitian word "tatu", which refers to the act of marking something.


The Ibans believe that their tattoos have protective powers in the form of charms that are given by antu (spirits) through dreams, when one is asleep.



Image via Bamboo Travel

Ibans without tattoos are said to be virtually invisible to gods, as the spirits attached to these tattoos allow the men to be seen by their gods.


Krutak says that about 500 years ago, the art of tattooing was practised widely by approximately 1,000 indigenous tribes all around the world, but over the years most of these ancient tribes have vanished.



An enlightening documentary by Canadian tattoo artist Thomas Lockhart, and writer cum historian Vince Hemingson, shed light on the fascinating world of the vanishing art of traditional Iban tattooing



Image via Vancouver Courier

Thomas Lockhart, renowned Canadian tattoo artist


Image via Flickr/Arup Kamal

Simon David of Borneo Ink


Image via Flickr/Arup Kamal

Eddie David of Borneo Ink

Both Tom and Vince go on an interesting journey to discover ancient Iban tattoos along with prominent tattoo artists, brothers, Eddie and Sam David of Borneo Ink.


Along the way, they speak about how tattoos were viewed as "primitive and a mark of a savage" by urbanites.


The David brothers are of Iban descent but grew up in Kuala Lumpur and set up their own tattoo parlour, Borneo Ink in the country s capital in 1996. Borneo Ink happens to be one of the very few places in the country that still offers the art of traditional hand-tapped tattoo.



Here are some interesting things about the intriguing world of traditional Iban tattooing:



Image via Robinson Mike

1. Traditional Iban tattooing practice is deeply associated with headhunting and is synonymous with the coming-of-age ceremony for men, bejalai



Image via Scribol

Iban Dayak headhunting warriors

2. The Iban community believe that the traditional hand-tapped tattoos have the ability to intimidate evil spirit and is a language on its own



Image via Borneo Adventure

3. One of the most fascinating things about traditional Iban tattoos, lies in the process and its tools. It is said that a hand-tapped tattoo can last and look its best even after years of being exposed to harsh weather conditions.



Image via Smithsonian Insider

4. The most basic type of Iban tattoo is thebunga terung design. It is usually the first tattoo that a man gets before going on hisbejalai or coming-of-age ceremony.



Image via Mother Of Destruction

5. Each tattoo s design and placement refers to a particular meaning and significance. A tattoo on the back of a man is said to protect the wearer from having his head cut off.



Image via Seth 1123

Iban Tattoo backpiece


Image via t4ttoozdesigns

6. It is not only the men who customarily get tattoos in the Iban community. Traditionally, Iban women s tattoos are associated with weaving ceremonial garments that are used to hold freshly severed heads from headhunting trips.



Traditional tattoos are a significant part of the world s rich history.


Image via Youtube/Selva Store

Over the past few decades, tattoos have gained a great deal of popularity in the world and it is no longer exclusive to indigenous tribes.


The intricate body art has become a common sight, with people from all walks of life donning it according to their preferences.


Unfortunately, since tattoos have a history of being associated with gangs and criminal activities, negative perceptions about people with tattoos have developed over the years. Surveys and research reveal that people with visible tattoos have lesser chances of attaining a job.


However, thanks to more democratic workplaces and better awareness about tattoos, people are starting to become more accepting towards the idea of tattoos and that it is merely a form of body art that has nothing to do with a person s personality and abilities.


With tattoos gaining popularity among the masses, more people are also opting for the traditional designs. Is it offensive for non-Ibans to get traditional tattoos or even alter them?



Image via The Malay Mail Online

Sabahan tattoo artist, Carlos Benny Majakil at work

Traditional Iban tattoos are considered as sacred symbols that connect the community to their gods and protect them from evil spirits. Ibans receive the tattoos as rewards and as an illustration of their journey in life.


Since these symbolisations make it an integral part of the Iban culture and tradition, it may be deemed offensive for people from other communities to get these traditional tattoos without understanding its significance.


It can also be seen as cultural appropriation which is defined as taking or adopting another community s traditional knowledge, cultural expressions, intellectual property. This includes a particular culture s dance, music, sacred objects, cuisine, medicine and religious symbols.


Cultural appropriation can be seen as a form of oppression on minority cultures as it has the possibility to alter and strip a community s age old traditions and cultures.


However, the Iban community has been known to be warm and generous with sharing their traditions and culture



Image via rahmangusdur

With tattoo parlours like the Borneo Ink and Borneo Headhunters Tattoo and Piercing Studio opening their doors and offering their services that include traditional Iban tattoos, it is proven that it is acceptable for non-Ibans to get the traditional tattoos.


While it is entirely possible for it to still be offensive to some, non-Ibans that are interested in the tribe s traditional tattoos can read up on it beforehand to better understand the meaning and significance attached to specific designs.




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