首頁 > 創意 > Kim Kei 夢魘 混合藝術欣賞

Kim Kei 夢魘 混合藝術欣賞

Kim Kei 箕是一種混合型的藝術家,橫跨攝影,繪畫,雕塑的世界。她把從自然界各種材質(鋼,布料,金屬,字元串),並創建有機,變形,雕塑。他們看起來像高速碰撞的一些扭曲,夢幻般的後果,與淡粉色,銀色的藍色和綠色靜脈的柔滑色調。

Kim Kei lives and works in Los Angeles. Her process begins with combining and altering everyday objects and natural debris. These malleable sculptures are photographed in several iterations, which become the foundation for her paintings. Her intricate, improvised compositions exist somewhere between representation and abstraction. Her work is a departure from the figure as a form, yet in its absence the body is implied.

Kim Kei 夢魘 混合藝術欣賞

Kim Kei 夢魘 混合藝術欣賞

Kim Kei 夢魘 混合藝術欣賞

Kim Kei 夢魘 混合藝術欣賞

Kim Kei 夢魘 混合藝術欣賞

Kim Kei 夢魘 混合藝術欣賞

Kim Kei 夢魘 混合藝術欣賞

Kim Kei 夢魘 混合藝術欣賞

Kim Kei 夢魘 混合藝術欣賞

Kim Kei 夢魘 混合藝術欣賞




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TAG:sudasuta |


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