首頁 > 遊戲 > 《我的世界》中國版發布會 Ulrika發言

《我的世界》中國版發布會 Ulrika發言

Hello to all our Chinese players! Thanks for supporting Minecraft for so long, even though I know it"s not easy for you to buy the game! We"ve always tried to bring Minecraft to as many players as possible and so we"re thrilled to be introducing the game to a whole new country! A huge thanks to NetEase for partnering with us and helping us bring the authentic Minecraft experience to China.


Minecraft means so many things to so many different people - a unique game with no limits on creativity and exploration! We"re thrilled to say that we have over 122 million players around the world who love the game. Your endless creativity makes Minecraft a better game and experience for everyone!


Mojang believes in creating great gaming experiences that can be enjoyed by anyone. We know our partner, NetEase, can deliver that authentic Minecraft experience to you. And Mojang and NetEase will be working together to craft some special designs for Chinese players!


There have been so many incredible creations built by talented Minecraft players all over the world. Thanks to NetEase, we are pleased to share these creations with all of you in China. We can"t wait to see what Chinese players build, create and bring to Minecraft!


Thank you to our loyal players for supporting Minecraft for all these years. We hope you support and enjoy Minecraft China as well. Let"s look forward to more amazing creations built in Minecraft!





請您繼續閱讀更多來自 新浪遊戲 的精彩文章:

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史上最高端網吧來了!裝修豪華科幻 提供私人定製化服務
《我的世界》中國版啟動器首曝 一站式啟動

TAG:新浪遊戲 |


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