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Selcuk Yilmaz 金屬雕塑藝術作品集

Sel?uk Y?lmaz 是一位來自於伊斯坦布爾的雕塑家,所不同的是他的材料是金屬而不是其他,通過焊接和銜接的方式來打造一個金屬怪獸,並且是以立體的形式展現,主要造型有老虎、狐狸、山貓等。

Selcuk Yilmaz 金屬雕塑藝術作品集

Istanbul-based sculptor Sel?uk Y?lmaz uses thin strands of hammered and welded metal to render animal heads in fearsome, three-dimensional forms. Like his majestic lion sculpture made from 4,000 metal scraps, his recent renderings of tiger, fox, and lynx busts exude a powerful grace that"s apparent in each gleaming, curved filament. Y?lmaz"s tiger sculpture is particularly intimidating—with its teeth bared in a savage snarl as flames flicker across its face. The metal beast is the very picture of ferocity.

Selcuk Yilmaz 金屬雕塑藝術作品集

Selcuk Yilmaz 金屬雕塑藝術作品集

Selcuk Yilmaz 金屬雕塑藝術作品集

Selcuk Yilmaz 金屬雕塑藝術作品集

Selcuk Yilmaz 金屬雕塑藝術作品集



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