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漢字趣畫 A Journey Through Chinese Characters


Chinese characters represent the oldest writing system in the world that is still in use today. Their origins can be traced back approximately 6,000 years. Over the course of history, a series of changes have taken place with regard to the form of Chinese characters. They were first represented by oracle bone script, later by bronze inscriptions, then by lesser seal characters, regular script and so on. Each and every Chinese character can be viewed first as a picture, but they are also layered with intrinsic meaning and cultural relevance. So let』s embark on a journey to discover these splendid pictures and explore the marvelous world of Chinese characters. Produced by Sinolingua, theA Journey Through Chinese Characterscartoon video introduces the evolution of 50 commonly used Chinese characters through animated cartoons. This is achieved through a romantic story between two young lovers. The cartoons are accompanied by English narration and guqin music, which makes the learning process a lot of fun. (The cartoon series lasts for 18 min and 46s and is presented in MP4 format. This video is a four-minute trailer.)



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