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蘇富比亞洲區副主席和中國藝術品部國際主管 仇國仕



記者 吳遙






仇國仕:我們的春季拍賣會上呈獻了多個收藏領域的精彩拍品,其中包括明清御器、宋代雅瓷、古玉、傢具、佛教藝術品等。令人鼓舞的是,幾乎每個範疇都有高價拍品誕生,充分地展現了市場及亞洲藏家品味之多樣性。在我每年策展一次的「人間異珍:奇.趣」專場,此趨勢殊為顯著,今年專場呈獻拍品各式各樣,如希臘式阿佛洛狄蒂女神立像、埃及木乃伊面具、海象頭骨化石、亞伯特.杜勒(Albrecht Dürer)的基督被釘十字架素描等都獲得客人踴躍競投。這些異國奇珍,與中國文人雅石、八世紀夾紵菩薩頭像和宋代陶瓷共置一堂,提供了一個在其他藝術文化傳統氛圍下欣賞中國藝術品的機會,尤添趣味。歷練萬年,融貫東西,這肯定是在未來幾年繼續發展的方向之一。

唐 夾紵乾漆觀世音菩薩頭像 香港蘇富比2017年春拍成交價2170萬港元








乾隆帝御寶交龍鈕白玉璽 香港蘇富比2010秋拍成交價1.2162億港元






Question:Hello Nicolas. Could we know a little more about what your role is at Sotheby』s?

NC:I am the chairman and the international head of Chinese works of art at Sotheby』s and basically everything that is Chinese, three-dimensional and of some age falls under my category, whether it is a Song dynasty ceramic vase, the seal of a Qing dynasty emperor, a Tang dynasty Buddha head or an archaic Shang dynasty bronze. The most difficult part of my job is not so much finding new clients, but rather sourcing great material for our sales as the supply is limited. Therefore, most of my time is spent 「treasure-hunting」; from Japan to France, England to America, basically anywhere that has had a tradition of collecting Chinese art. Closer to home, Hong Kong and Taiwan both also have of course great hidden collections of Chinese art. There are four yearly sales of Chinese works of art in Hong Kong, as well as biannual sales in London, Paris and New York.The greatest thrill for me is the discovery of a great object and also sharing this appreciation with my colleagues and clients.


Question:Sotheby』s 2017 Spring auction saw many pieces selling at exceptionally high prices, with the most talked about piece being the Xuande bowl you sourced from Japan. What comments do you have on the results of the Spring sale?

NC:In our Spring sale, we had a very broad and exciting selection of materials encompassing Ming and Qing imperial porcelain, Song ceramics, archaic jades, furniture and Buddhist art, and it is encouraging to see that there were high prices in almost each and every single area. This goes to show the broad diversity of our market and the more and more adventurous taste of our clients in the region. This was particularly exemplified in our 「Curiosity III」 sale, which I enjoy curating once a year and where this year we saw very competitive bidding for objects ranging from a Hellenistic marble Aphrodite to an Egyptian mummy mask, a fossil walrus skull and a crucifixion by Albrecht Durer. These objects were all woven in together with Chinese rocks, Buddhist statuary and Song ceramics in a single exhibition and sale and it is exciting when people are given the chance to appreciate Chinese art not just on its own but as one of many artistic traditions. This is definitely one of a few trends that I will continue to push forward in the next few years.


Question:Could you tell us more about what has been happening in terms of trends in the global market for Chinese works of art?There seems to be a lack of mid-price properties appearing at auction, resulting in a big gap between highlight pieces and less sought-after/rare items. How do you view this market condition?

NC:In the last 5 years there is greater and greater interest in early material, whether Song ceramics, ancient jades or archaic bronzes. This is a reverse trend in so far as these are areas that were considered important throughout the history of China, and in fact since the Song dynasty particularly, but were to some extent outshone by the rise in popularity of Qing porcelain and Qing decorative arts since the late 1990s. I am quite pleased to see a regain of interest in these traditional fields of collecting. As buyers continue to gain confidence in their own connoisseurship and aesthetic sensibility, I believe that fields where artistic production was never so controlled – Song ceramics, scholar』s objects, basically all fields that did not necessarily enjoy Imperial patronage – will continue to rise.

As you say, there is a gap between the top-end and the mid-market. In the last three years, our focus on the mid-market has taken place mostly in the context of our gallery sales in June and December where we offer smaller collections and these have become important fixtures in our annual calendar. Lower and mid-range property tends to be outshone in our sales of important Chinese art and that is why we are now giving them their own platform at a time when our entire team can focus on promoting them.


Question:What factors allow for successful management in the auction business?

NC:Firstly, the most important thing is to hire and nurture the best possible specialists as they are at the frontline of our business, sourcing and selling material and protecting with their expertise our brand value. The people that we have and their ability and their eye is what differentiates us from our competitors first and foremost. Secondly, our back office – business directors and administrators – has to run our specialist departments efficiently, ensuring that margins remain healthy.

Question:Could you share a story or two about yourself and properties handled? Or any interesting things that have happened to you during auctions?

NC:I can be quite relentless when I am chasing property for sale. When the market for Imperial seals started taking off in 2003-2004, I started looking up all our old auction catalogues from the 1980s and 1990s, hoping to chase down each and every seal that we had ever sold. 20-30 years ago, seals were valued not so much for their historical importance – hardly anyone cared about the seal face, but rather for their quality and craftsmanship. In most cases, Imperials seals fetched in the low thousands of dollars and therefore collectors in those areas were not so much on our radar. It turned out that pretty much all of the seals that I tracked down in our sales had been bought by one single collector. I immediately tried calling him and writing to him but the phone line was dead and the address no longer valid. It took me around 4 years, two private detectives and around 400 phone calls, all made myself, to finally track down the owner. It was all worth it as we offered this extraordinary collection for sale in 2010. I will never forget the amazing energy in the room, as many lots that day fetched record prices. The Xintian Zhuren seal that the collector purchased in London in 1998 for GBP15,000 went on to make HKD120 million!No other sale has ever given me the same level of satisfaction.And I was pleased for the collector as he had not once thought about investment when he put together this wonderful collection so discreetly.

明永樂 青花如意垂肩折枝花果紋梅瓶:以1.6866億港元成交

Question:Is property-consignment the hardest part of auctions? How do you feel about the increase in mainland Chinese auction houses coming to Hong Kong?

NC:Yes, consignment-getting is the most challenging. Finding buyers is extremely easy when we have attractive property for sale.So far, we have been holding our ground well against the Chinese auction houses, but there is no doubt that they will slowly erode certain areas of our business, mostly the mid-range.But the Chinese art market is extremely big and there should be room for everyone to do business, particularly as price levels continue to rise.

Question:Thank you!




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