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My Dear Bessie-「見信如晤」,聽卷福深情誦讀二戰塵封情書濃情醉人



Fun · 讀信

Fun · 視頻板塊包括百科、搞笑、演講等大家喜聞樂見的幾個系列,希望能給大家的英語學習帶去不一樣的感受和體驗:英語我快樂,快樂學英語。。。

卷福在《letters live》,一檔讀信節目上深情演繹了一段文字《My Dear Bessie》。不愧是英國著名實力派演員,字裡行間所透露著的那種相隔千里的思念和真情實意全都被他那有磁性又性感的英音傳達出來。強烈建議男生們mark這個視頻並反覆模仿朗讀,指不定哪天派上用場。。。


國外版《見字如面》 :聽卷福激情誦讀

29th of January,1945

My dearest one,

I』ve just heard the news that all the Army men who are held POW are to return to their homes. Because of the shipping situation we may not commence to go before the end of February, but could probably count on being in England sometime in March. It may be sooner. It has made me very warm inside. It is terrific, wonderful, shattering.


I don』t know what to say. And I cannot think. The delay is nothing, the decision is everything. I must spend the first days at home. I must consider getting a party somewhere. Above all I must be with you. I must warm you, surround you, love you, and be kind to you.


I would prefer not to get married, but want you to agree on the point. In the battle I was afraid - for you, for my mother, for myself. Wait we must, my lover, my darling. Let us meet, let us be, let us know. But do not let us now make any mistakes.


How good for us to see each other before I am completely bald. I have some fine little wisps of hair on the top of my head.


It』s not much good me trying to write about recent experiences, now that I know that I shall be able to tell you everything myself within such a short time.


What I have on my eye now is the first letter from you saying that you know I am all right and the next saying you know I am coming to you. Plan a week somewhere, not Boscombe or Bournemouth. And think of being together, the glory of you.


I hope that you will not start buying any clothes if you have any coupons left because you think you must look nice for me. I should be sorry if you do. Just carry on as near as possible to normal.


I shall tell my family I hope to spend a week away with you somewhere during my leave. My counsel to you is to tell as few people as possible. To avoid preening yourself and saying much.


This is my advice, not anything but that. I hope you understand. I do not ever want it to be anything but our affair. Do not permit any intrusion. I do not know how long a leave I shall get. I could get as little as 14 days, I may get as much as a month.


I』m wondering how I shall tell you I am in England. Probably still quicker to send a telegram than a letter. I hope to send you one announcing that I am on the same island. I would send another one I am actually soon to get on the London bound train and you can ring Lee Green 0509 when you think I have arrived there.

英國之後,我該如何告知你呢?可能發電報還是比寄信快。一踏上英國土地,我就發申報通知你。登上火車前往倫敦之前,還會再給你發一封。你覺得我快到了,就打Lee Green 0509。

It』s a strange thing but I can』t seem to get going and write very freely. All I』m thinking about is I』m going home, I am going to see her. It is a fact, a real thing, an impending event like Shrove Tuesday, X』 mas Day, or the Lord Mayor』s Banquet.


You have to be abroad, you have to be hermetically sealed off from your intimates from your home to realize what a gift this going-home is. The few letters of yours that I had on me I burnt the previous day to our surrender so no one but myself has read your words.


It』s a pity that the winter weather will not be kind to us out of doors. It would be nice sitting next to you at the pictures no matter what may be on the screen. It would be grand to know that we have each other』s support and sympathy. Wouldn』t it be wonderful to be together - really together in the flesh, not just to know that a letter is all we can send.


I Love you.





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