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Sam Bosma 的腦洞 手繪插畫欣賞

Sam Bosma 的作品充滿著腦洞打開的幻想力,一組有趣的幻想插畫作品!

I was born in Chagrin Falls, Ohio, but lived most of my life in suburban Pennsylvania. I relocated to Baltimore, Maryland to attend the Maryland Institute College of Art, where I subsequently taught in the Illustration department from 2011 to 2013. I currently live and work in Brooklyn with my fiancé, Kali Ciesemier.

My work has been recognized by Spectrum, American Illustration, and The Society of Illustrators. I won a Silver Medal from the Society of Illustrators in the Institutional category of the Illustration Annual 54, and both Gold and Silver Awards from Spectrum Fantastic Art.

Sam Bosma 的腦洞 手繪插畫欣賞

Sam Bosma 的腦洞 手繪插畫欣賞

Sam Bosma 的腦洞 手繪插畫欣賞

Sam Bosma 的腦洞 手繪插畫欣賞

Sam Bosma 的腦洞 手繪插畫欣賞

Sam Bosma 的腦洞 手繪插畫欣賞

Sam Bosma 的腦洞 手繪插畫欣賞

Sam Bosma 的腦洞 手繪插畫欣賞

Sam Bosma 的腦洞 手繪插畫欣賞




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