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隨波遂流 - Samsung 計劃研發智能揚聲器

隨波遂流 - Samsung 計劃研發智能揚聲器

上月 Apple在WWDC上公布了HomePod,一部採用 A8 處理器,內設 7 個高音喇叭、一個 4 吋低音 Subwoofer 音箱,搭載 Spatial Awareness 空間感知功能,並根據空間大小調節音色的播放方式,支援 Apple Music 及 Siri,甚至以 iMessages 發送訊息,更將能利用 HomeKit 去控制家中智能裝置的智能裝置,產品將於 12 月正式登陸各位家中。然而那邊廂一直是科技傳道員Samsung亦表示正在研發自家版本的智能揚聲器,看來也要擠身這競爭市場。據華爾街日報報道證實了這項傳言:

Samsung is developing a voice-activated speaker powered by its digital assistant Bixby, according to people familiar with the matter, joining a proliferating arms race in tabletop devices.

The timing is far from determined, the people said. The English-language version of Bixby has been delayed and they said many of the speaker』s features and other specifications are yet to be decided. But the project—internally code-named 「Vega」—has been going on for more than a year, several of the people said.

不過現在智能揚聲器市場暫時是 Amazon 為領導,佔有率達到 70%,而 Google Home 則大約佔 24%。另外 Microsoft 亦宣布將在秋季推出一款 Invoke 揚聲器,比 Apple 的 HomePod 還早推出市場。眼看著眾多對手相繼以智能揚聲器搶攻,Samsung 卻因為語音識別問題已擱置:

Vega is only the latest of Samsung』s speaker projects, which go back years, according to people familiar with the matter. The company had once planned to debut one code-named 「Hive」 in March 2015 at the Mobile World Congress in Spain, the people said, but it was quietly shelved over software issues including problems with voice recognition.

至於到底 Samsung 是否真的在研發智能揚聲器呢?相信聰明的各位都清楚知道是勢在必行,只是看 Samsung 葫蘆裹賣甚麼葯,更多資訊請繼續留意 HYPEBEAST 的報道。

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