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上海浦東四季酒店——何詠聰 Arthur WC Ho






A strong sense of empathy and charisma is what will enable someone to meet any type of person, and that』s exactly what the general manger for the Four Seasons Hotel Pudong, Shanghai Mr. Arthur W C Ho radiates. This personality comes from his international background and a sense of work ethic that embodies the company』s emphasis on innovation and enhancing its leadership in luxury travel.



Interestingly, Mr. Ho first thought about a career in the hotel industry from a TV advertisement when he was just 14 years old. Born in Hong Kong he already had a taste of the International world, but saw a new lifestyle through a successful hotel executive on his families TV. This attractive look seemed like a great workplace, and his parents』 agreed- therefore he made it his career goal. Being a western dominated position, Mr. Ho decided to go to the United States in 1980 for his university education at both Iow a State and Amherst University in Massachusetts; focusing on hotel & restaurant management and nutrition studies. After graduating, he started his hotel work for a Sheraton inWashington D.C. as a night auditor. It was 9 months of hard, tedious, and trivial work that tested his accuracy, but gave him a very respected and reliable status at the hotel. After that, in 1987 he traveled back to Hong Kong and started building his career at the Hyatt, Sheraton, and Parkview Hotels』, as front office clerk, front office manger, and rooms』 division manager positions. Then in 1999, Mr. Ho took a small break from the hotel industry to work with an International trade company. He even took an import/export class to understand exactly how he could execute each task efficiently, and now feels that it was a beneficial career move that has helped with his different management tasks.


That industry change was temporary, because in 2000 Mr. Ho received a call from a loyal hotel customer asking if he wanted to manage one of his Millennium Hotels』 in London, and he said yes. Hotel』s are in his blood so it was a natural reaction to take the opportunity. Then another call came in 2002, this time from the crème de la crème Four Seasons Hotels with an opportunity to help open it』s Shanghai location as the director of rooms. After that, he helped open three more Four Seasons: Hong Kong as DOM in 2005, Macau as the hotel manager in 2007, and then Shenzhen as the general manager in 2012. During the openings, he learned how important it is to slate a smart foundation for the hotels success. Then, in August of 2016 he accepted a general manager position at the Four Seasons Pudong, Shanghai and his family happily came with him.



Mr. Ho』s specialty is in leadership, where he thinks it』s critical to rally employees to get jobs done and inspire them to achieve more than they thought they were capable of. Knowing that at the end of the day every one needs to be hands on and connected with each other and the guests. Mr. Ho teaches this motivation by displaying his efforts in the customers and by providing dependable service. He also communicates on the same level with the employees by empathizing and learning about the individuals』 life. He explained how relationship building is easier when pre-opening hotels because he meets everyone from the start, so when he walked into Pudong』s running hotel he had to work harder to build trusting relationships. When interviewing new employees, Mr. Ho』s staff focuses on the attitude and personality of each applicant. While also insuring that they want to learn and have emotional intelligence (EQ), so they can read guests correctly to provide the perfect Four Seasons Hotel experience.

何先生說每位一線員工有三個為客人服務的要求需要遵守: 「把事情做好」、「了解客人所需」、「帶給客人驚喜」。「把事情做好」指一定要按照客人的要求來提供服務,即使有些事情看起來不太好理解;「了解客人所需」是指通過了解客人的需求和客人當時所處的實際情況來選擇最合適的客人的優質服務;而「帶給客人驚喜」指的是在面對客人時始終如一的提供最好的服務,讓客人在離開酒店時感嘆:「哇哦,入住浦東四季感覺非常棒!」

There are three guest service mottos each employee should live by; according to Mr. Ho they are 「get it right」, 「get me right」, & 「wow me if you can」. 「Get it right」 is providing exactly what the customer asked for even if it doesn』t match the outside situation. 「Get me right」 is reading the guest and their situation and figuring out how to service them more using intuitive knowledge. 「Wow me if you can」 is consistently providing the best service during every customer contact point, so at the end of their stay they look back and go 「Wow, everything went well」. :)



Mr. Ho says the question always is; 「How can we better engage with the customer?」 Sometimes it』s by doing less, where now the Four Seasons has an APP that the customer can order services and products from and they will be delivered straight to their room. This works amazingly for customers who don』t want the human interaction, and they』re continually improving it. The technology in a hotel is so important to keep up with, and luckily Mr. Ho』s sons keeps him in the loop with the latest Bluetooth gadgets and tech news, in-between swimming laps together in his spare time, so he continually stays current.


It was great communicating with Arthur W C Ho (he speaks amazing English) and learning how he grew to where he is today, and we』d like to thank him for his hospitality.



Kelsi. Niece







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