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最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學


最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學


Oxford University牛津大學

University of Cambridge劍橋大學

University of Manchester曼徹斯特大學

霍格沃茲魔法學校(Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry) 在小說《哈利·波特》中是一所專門培養巫師的魔法學校,是歐洲最著名的魔法學校之一。

1. Oxford University, United Kingdom

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

Pretty much every building at Oxford looks like a carbon copy of Hogwarts, and for good reason. Some scenes from the first two movies were filmed here.

2. Sydney University, Australia

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

The Great Hall at Sydney Uni looks exactly like Hogwarts』 Great Hall. It』s even got a quadrangle where students can sit and read spell books. Or just normal books, I guess.

3. University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

Not only does the Cathedral of Learning look Hogwarts AF, it』s also got a pretty magical name too.

4. Yale University, Connecticut

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

Sterling Memorial Library is the kind of place where you』d actually really want to study.

5. University of Washington, Washington

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

It always feels like the libraries are the most impressive parts of all these colleges. Well, Suzzallo Library really is no exception.

6. University of Notre Dame, Indiana

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

The Basilica of the Sacred Heart is breathtakingly beautiful. You can almost imagine the pictures on the walls moving around.

7. University of Vienna, Austria

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

These Europeans really know what they』re doing. Don』t these stairs look just like the ones at Hogwarts? Except of course, they』re stationary.

8. University of Chicago, Illinois

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

That photo on the left is the dining hall! Pretty sure their meals aren』t cooked by house elves, though.

9. University of Cambridge, UK

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

You』d be hard-pressed to find a university in the UK which doesn』t look like Hogwarts.

10. Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

The Thomas Hall even has house banners on the walls!

11. Harvard University, Massachusetts

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

While a lot of the old Harvard buildings look kind of like castles, the dining hall might actually be Hogwarts. The walls are covered with portraits of the university』s founders and it』s pretty much oozing with history.

12. Mount Holyoke College, Massachusetts

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

From the looming iron gates, to the ivy-covered buildings, and high-ceilinged library, it』s almost like J.K. Rowling designed this campus herself.

13. Cornell University

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

The law library at Cornell is literally breathtaking.

14. University of St Andrews, Scotland

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

The students staying in St Salvador』s Hall pretty much could just say that they live at Hogwarts.

15. Kenyon College, Ohio

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

Not only does the dining room, Peirce Hall, look exactly like where they eat at Hogwarts, but all the buildings just look like castles.

16. University ofManchester, UK

最像Hogwarts霍格沃茲的世界大學 有三所英國大學

The John Rylands library is only 100 years old, but honestly looks just as old and mystical as Hogwarts with its 1000-year history.

Correction: An earlier version of this post had an incorrect photo for Kenyon College.












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