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「口袋妖怪」玩家走火入魔 擾民又害己

「口袋妖怪」玩家走火入魔 擾民又害己

A hospital has been forced to ban Pokemon Go players from the site after a monster hub was found in the A&E department.「口袋妖怪」玩家在一家醫院急診部創立了妖怪樞紐站,隨後醫院不得不發布規定,禁止玩家再入內。

Royal Stoke University Hospital discovered that its casualty unit is on the same spot as a Pokemon Go 『gym』 – where players can train their newly caught Nintendo creatures.英國斯托克大學皇家醫院發現其病房成為了「口袋妖怪」(現實增強寵物養成對戰類RPG手游)的道館,玩家可在道館中訓練其新捕捉的任天堂精靈。

「口袋妖怪」玩家走火入魔 擾民又害己

The University Hospitals of North Midlands Trust agreed last week that patients can play Pokemon Go on wards because walking around is healthy. But the trust has been forced to post a warning on its website about public access to A&E.上周,英國北中部大學醫院NHS信託醫院允許其病患在病房內玩「口袋妖怪」遊戲,因為四處走走有益於身體健康。但該信託醫院被迫在其官網上發布急診室公眾准入的相關消息。

It said if Pokemon Go becomes a major nuisance it would ask Nintendo - which decides on the locations of the virtual gyms according using GPS - to have it removed from the premises.院方表示,如果「口袋妖怪」遊戲對周圍的環境造成較大困擾,它會讓任天堂用GPS確定虛擬道館的所在地,把道館從現在的地址挪走。

Kevin Parker, associate chief nurse, said: 『Members of the public who do not need to be at Royal Stoke should not attempt to enter A&E or any other part of the hospital building to play the game. The A&E department is incredibly busy this summer.副護士長凱文·帕克說道:「身體健康的普通民眾不應該來醫院的急診室或者其他科室玩『口袋妖怪』遊戲,今年夏天急診部非常忙碌。

『We want the public to understand that anybody who visits the hospital solely to play the game will provide an unwanted distraction to the important work of the hospital. I』m also aware of various reports in the media of unsafe areas that the game has been played in.「我們想讓大家知道如果大家來到醫院僅是為了玩遊戲,這將妨礙醫院開展重要工作。我注意到了許多新聞報道,講有人曾在一些危險的地方玩這個遊戲。

『Royal Stoke University Hospital is a safe area where gamers can enjoy Pokemon Go.』「但是斯托克大學皇家醫院是個安全地帶,玩家們可安心地在這裡玩『口袋妖怪』遊戲。」

Michelle Harris, the trust』s sustainability manager, said the game could still be played by those already in hospital.米歇爾·哈里斯是該信託醫院的可持續發展經理。她表示,那些已住院的病患依然可以玩這一遊戲。

"We recognise that the Pokemon GO game encourages walking and exercise, which is something that the Trust is equally keen to promote," she said.她說:「口袋妖怪遊戲可讓病患們多走動,這點我們認同。同時運動與鍛煉也正是信託醫院積極提倡的。」

「口袋妖怪」玩家走火入魔 擾民又害己

"There are a number of "walking routes" established throughout the Trust that can be used to combine walking and playing the game.「整個醫院內修建了不少『步行線路』,從而使得病患能夠步行、玩遊戲兩不誤。

"Walking just 30 minutes, five times a week, can help reduce the risk of preventable illnesses such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease."「一周步行五次,一次持續三十分鐘,這有助於降低患可預防疾病的風險,如肥胖、糖尿病與心臟病。」

There have been several warnings about the game since its UK release.自這款遊戲在英國發布以來,已有不少關於它的警告消息。

「口袋妖怪」玩家走火入魔 擾民又害己

Last week a group of teenagers in Wiltshire were left stranded almost 100ft underground after they got carried away searching for Pokemon Go characters.上周,威爾特郡的一群青少年忘乎所以地尋找「口袋妖怪」遊戲精靈以至於被困在地下近100英尺的地方。

The four boys, aged 16 and 17, ended up getting lost and had to wait to get a phone signal before they could call for help.這四名年齡十六七歲的男生因為玩遊戲迷了路,只能幹等手機信號才可以打電話求救。

Eventually, they contacted Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue team, who took them to safety. Damien Bence, of the fire and rescue team, said: 『Pokemon Go is obviously leading people into dangerous situations.』最後,他們同多塞特與威爾特郡的火警救援隊取得聯繫而獲救。救援隊隊長達明·本斯說道:「很顯然,『口袋妖怪』這款遊戲會將人們陷入危險的境地。」

Three students were also robbed of their phones as they played Pokemon GO in Manchester, after the suspects used a 『beacon』 to encourage other players to head to a specific venue.在曼徹斯特,有三名學生在玩「口袋妖怪」遊戲時手機被搶,嫌疑犯利用「燈塔指引」吸引其他玩家前往某一具體地點,從而得手。

After that incident, Detective Superintendent Joanne Rawlinson, from Greater Manchester Police"s public protection division, urged players to be cautious about alerting strangers to their locations.在此案件之後,曼徹斯特警署公共保護部的偵探警司若阿納·羅林森告誡玩家們應該保持警惕,留神那些突然出現的陌生人。

A player also sparked outrage after she called 999 to tell police that someone had stolen one of her virtual monsters.還有一名玩家居然撥打999報警稱有人偷走了一隻她的虛擬怪獸,引起了公憤。




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英國新首相特雷莎將上任 又一位「鐵娘子」

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