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每年的九月底、十月初,不少美國大學都會來國內做各種Information Sessions,方便感興趣的同學進一步了解該大學的招生情況以及學習、生活等其他方面的信息。由於中國太大,校方人員又太少,這種宣講會一般集中在國內出國人數較多的幾個大城市舉行,比如北京、上海、深圳等。同時,由於場地的限制,通常此類活動都需要提前預約。活動地點通常是一些國際學校或是高級酒店。另外,近年來,也有越來越多的大學會和國內的一些教育機構或學校來合作舉辦此類活動。但要注意的是,此類活動並不是面試,如果沒有參加上也不用擔心。另外,美國知名大學和這些協助舉辦活動的機構也不是代理關係,參加的同學們要注意別被忽悠了。


其實,在美高,這種活動很常見,一般稱為College Fair。這裡給大家找了一些參加College Fair時的注意事項和建議。希望對大家參加國內的這種Information Sessions的同學們有所幫助。


A college fair presents students with an excellent opportunity to interact with a representative from a particular college or university. It can help in the beginning stages of the search process or it can help in narrowing down college options. Either way, it is important to make the most of the fair and to leave the colleges with a favorable impression of you.

Here are some helpful tips & questions to get you started:

Before you head off to the fair:

·Dress in appropriate clothing. First impressions do count!

·Consider changing your email address or setting up an email address specifically for college applications. You will be asked to fill out inquirycards by the colleges which will add your information to the school』s mailinglist and let the school know that you are interested in them. Since this information will follow you through the application process (should you chooseto apply), it is important that the email address is appropriate. A good suggestion is to pick something with a combination of your first name orinitial and last name or initial.

·Consider making self-stick labels that contain your legal name, mailingaddress, email address, year of graduation, and intended area of study. This will speed up the process of filling out inquiry cards, allowing you more time to talk to the college representative.

·Plan ahead! Look over the list of colleges and universities that areparticipating in the fair and make a list of which schools you definitely want to visit at the fair.

·Bring a small notebook and pen to jot down information about schools you want to remember.

At the Fair:

·When you approach a representative, introduce yourself.

·Ask questions! (See below for a sample list of questions.)

·Get the contact information of the representative at the fair if you arevery interested in attending their school. Follow up with them after the fair with an email.

·Speak up. College fairs can be loud and you want the representative to be able to hear you.

After the Fair:

·Go through the materials you received from the schools and any notes youmay have taken.

·Get rid of the materials on schools that will not be a good fit for you.

·Research the colleges that interested you to learn more!

Sample Questions to Ask at a College Fair

·What are your admission requirements?

·What is your enrollment?

·What are your application deadlines?

·What is the total cost of attendance for 1 year (tuition, room &board, fees, books, misc.?)

·How is financial aid eligibility determined?·What percentage of financial need do you meet for families?

·Are there any merit scholarships available? Is a separate application required for these?

·What is the makeup of your student body? (male/female ratio,racial/ethnic makeup, geographic diversity)

·When must I choose a major?

·Are their specific application requirements for my major?

·Will I have a faculty advisor?

·Are there any special placement tests that entering freshman can/must taketo place into or out of certain courses?

·Do you have an honors program? What are the requirements?

·Is housing guaranteed for all four years?

·Are freshman required to live on campus?

·How are roommates selected?

·Is your school a 「suitcase」 school?

·What is there to do on the weekends?

·What is your campus safety like?

·What is the biggest complaint of students?

·What do students say is the best thing about your school?

·What is the political climate of campus?

·Do students get involved in intramural athletics? Clubs and studentorganizations?

·Do the students support the athletes?

·What type of academic support is available on campus? Is thisavailable to everyone free of charge? (Tutoring, Writing Centers, etc.)

·If I am a varsity athlete, what is the balance between athletics andacademics?

·What are the dining options? How late are the dining facilities open?

·Do many students hold jobs in addition to attending school?

·Are students permitted to have cars on campus?

·Is a car necessary to get around?

·Is there public transportation close to your school?

·Do you have study abroad options?

·Do students have the opportunity to do research or obtain internships?

·What is your retention rate?

·What is your graduation rate?

·What percentages of students who graduate go directly on to graduateschool?

·What does your job placement look like?

·Is there a Career Office that supports students in their internship and job search?

·Are your alumni well connected to the school?



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