首頁 > 最新 > 威雙專題:「煽動性叛逆」 Mi?elis Fi?ers 作品

威雙專題:「煽動性叛逆」 Mi?elis Fi?ers 作品

Mikelis Fiserswas born in Riga in 1970,Latvia

1970年出生於里加,Mikelis Fisers於二十世紀九十年代進入拉脫維亞當代藝術界。他在波羅的海地區廣泛展出,在短暫的職業生涯中一直是藝術界的積极參与者。他在里加工作居住,在拉脫維亞藝術學院設計和繪畫系學習。他突出創造了一批挑釁的作品,他的作品被國家當局禁止和審查。Fisers已被選入瑞士和英國的國際居住地,2002年被授予著名的參觀藝術/穗島獎學金。並於2017年成為第57屆威尼斯雙年展拉斯維加斯館(Arsenale)的個展藝術家。


1.《What Can Go Wrong》, Latvian Pavilion at the 57th Venice Biennale, Arsenale. Solo exhibition by Mi?elis Fi?ers.Photo: Ansis Starks。2017

Multidimensional Entities Cut Up Their Avatars Before Evacuation from Planet Earth. 2017, wood, polished paint, carving, 21 x 29,5 cm. Photo: Valdis Jansons (拋光漆面木板雕刻)

Ancient Aliens Execute Overqualified Rocket Scientists at Palenque, Mexico. 2017, wood, polished paint, carving, 21 x 29,5 cm.(拋光漆面木板雕刻)

Modified Squids Loot the Potash Plant. 2017, wood, polished paint, carving, 21 x 29,5 cm.


Grey Alien Semen-Milking Captured Pacifists at Area 51, USA. 2017, wood, polished paint, carving, 21 x 29,5 cm.(拋光漆面木板雕刻)

Extraterrestrials Monitor Humanitarian Crisis In the Oligarch Organ Warehouse. 2017, wood, polished paint, carving, 21 x 29,5 cm.(拋光漆面木板雕刻)

Breakthrough. Farewell to Selfness. 2017, oil on canvas, 508 cm x 322 cm. Photo: Valdis Jansons


Reptilian Immobilizes Hallucinating Darwinists. 2017. Light and sound installation, extruded polystyrene, structured polypropylene sheets, drawing cut in ORACAL adhesive film, LED light tape. 600 x 600 x 600 cm. Sound by ERROR. Photo: Ansis Starks


2.《Neverforgiveness Express》, the foundation Art Needs Space,2016

Neverforgiveness Express. Single channel video installation, artist s text, white marker drawing on a black wall, train scale model, 2016.

Neverforgiveness Express. Single channel video installation, artist s text, white marker drawing on a black wall, train scale model, 2016.


在拉脫維亞,Fisers以涉及宗教,科學和國家問題的「煽動性叛逆」的作品而聞名,並將其與國家當局衝突。1995年,他的畢業展覽展示了一系列大型「性與太空飛船」作品,被禁止在維爾紐斯舉行的「Misfits」展覽展出。這些作品描繪了外星人與人之間的性交。評論家和策展人Ilze Black認為,雖然他最初欣賞作品時是憤慨的,但後來的閱讀卻認為這是拉脫維亞現在處理當前社會狀況的重要標誌。暗示了國家的快速變化,有時陷入兩個相互衝突的信仰體系之中,Ilze Black描述其為:對未來的「更暗,更啟發性的遠景」。

Sex n Spaceships (series of four paintings). 1995. Graphite, alcyd, UV varnish on canvas. 173 x 250 cm.

Sex n Spaceships (series of four paintings). 1995. Graphite, alcyd, UV varnish on canvas. 173 x 250 cm.

Sex n Spaceships (series of four paintings). 1995. Graphite, alcyd, UV varnish on canvas. 173 x 250 cm.


1997年在里加展出的三聯畫作品「MC 4 ID」,畫面中約三名波羅的海總統也引起爭議。搖頭丸片粘在其中一幅畫中,在新聞界和禁毒組織中排起陣陣,並導致國家當局的干預。外星人打著碟三里搖頭丸入肚的總體們也嗨得上了天。

Master of Ceremony for Independence Day (MC4ID). 1997. Series of four paintings. Oil on canvas. 1/4. 165 x 186 cm.

Master of Ceremony for Independence Day (MC4ID). 1997. Series of four paintings. Oil on canvas, three pills. 2/4. 165 x 186 cm.

Master of Ceremony for Independence Day (MC4ID). 1997. Series of four paintings. Oil on canvas. 3/4. 165 x 186 cm.


這個裝置是紀念2001年英國的口蹄疫流行病,導致屠殺數以百萬計的動物。因為相比接種疫苗,殺了它們反而更省錢。這個裝置的想法不僅是對這場悲劇中動物的憐憫之心,而且還描繪了代表我們現在時代的經濟學的暴力方面 - 每天重複濫用的觀念,暴力行為已變得正常化。

In Memoriam. 2002. Mi?elis Fi?ers installation at Spike Island, Bristol, Great Britain. Caterpillar bulldozer, cowhide, tulle, 4 paintings.

In Memoriam. 2002. Mi?elis Fi?ers installation at Spike Island, Bristol, Great Britain. Caterpillar bulldozer, cowhide, tulle, 4 paintings.

In Memoriam. 2002. Alcyd on canvas. 185 x 230 cm.

In Memoriam. 2002. Alcyd on canvas. 185 x 230 cm.

In Memoriam. 2002. Alcyd on canvas. 185 x 230 cm.

In Memoriam. 2002. Alcyd on canvas. 185 x 230 cm.



Sometimes a Deer Comes Visiting. 2012. Oil on canvas. 362 x 286 cm.

Spadehead and Wonderdeer. 2012. Oil on canvas. 162 x 200 cm.

Poet. 2011. Oil on canvas. 268 x 373 cm.

Reproach. 2011. Oil on canvas. 200 x 268 cm

The Weird Contacts of Konstantīns Raudive. 2011. Oil on canvas. 130 x 125 cm

Megamatter. 2012. Oil on canvas. 286 x 362 cm..

Five Serpents and Teacher. Story about Long Ago in Distant Future. 2011. Oil on canvas. 162 x 200 cm.

Farewell. 2008. Oil on canvas. 128 x 158 cm.

The Royal Hunt. Season Opening. 2012. Oil on canvas. 200 x 324 cm.

In Front of New Gates. 2008. Oil on canvas. 200 x 162 cm.

Bear, Wolf and Rabbit. 2008. Oil on canvas. 192 x 200 cm.

Officers Ball Together with Extraterrestrials in Honour to Osama Bin Laden Elimination at the Vaulted Hall, Neues Schwabenland. 2011. Oil on canvas. 308 x 290 cm.

Wisor. 2010. Oil on canvas.159 x 125 cm

Decompression. 2009. Oil on canvas. 125 x 159 cm.

Pine Trees in Rucava. Latvia. 2005. Oil on canvas. 70 x 60 cm.

Armageddon. 1997. Canvas, paint, glitters, aluminium plate, neon light. 250 x 500 cm.

The Red Sun. Dedicated to Europe (diptych). 1993. Oil on cavas. 114 x 81 cm, 81 x 114 cm.

The Red Sun. Dedicated to Europe (diptych). 1993. Oil on cavas. 114 x 81 cm, 81 x 114 cm.

God Is. Dogs Cannot Read.1996.Installation. Art GENDA 96, Young Artists Biennale, Oksnehalle, Copenhagen, Denmark.《上帝是,狗不能讀》

God Is. Dogs Cannot Read.1996.Installation. Art GENDA 96, Young Artists Biennale, Oksnehalle, Copenhagen, Denmark.《上帝是,狗不能讀》

Borehole to Hell.1995.Site specific installation and sound at Bri??pedvāle Manor, Pedvāle, Latvia (together with Gints Gabrāns).《井眼通往地獄》,場地聲音裝置




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