首頁 > 健身 > 每日英語:健身房裡,如何跟他人溝通?


Getting fit在英語中指的是為了讓體質更好,生活方式更加健康而所做的鍛煉。為了保持好身材,人們通常會去健身房進行鍛煉。在那裡,他們會做各式各樣的運動,例如俯卧撐、仰卧起坐等。做做伸展運動也十分重要,這些運動應該是在你去健身房前或後進行。

Most health clubs also offer jogging tracks and areas for aerobics, as well as classes in fitness activities such as Zumba, or spinning classes. Most gyms offer changing rooms nowadays. Some even have whirlpools, steam rooms, and saunas to help you relax and unwind your muscles after a long hard workout.大多數健身俱樂部也會提供慢跑跑道及健美操區,以及健身活動課程,如尊巴或動感單車。現在的多數健身房會提供更衣室,一些甚至還配備了浴缸、蒸汽浴室和桑拿浴來幫助你在長時間的強度鍛煉後得到休息,並放鬆肌肉。At they gym, you"ll fid lots of equipment such as weight lifting machines, exercise bikes, ellipticals, and treadmills.在健身房,你會看到許多器材,例如舉重機、健身腳踏車、橢圓機和跑步機。

The important thing to remember when getting fit is that you need to be consistent. In other words, you"ll need to go to the gym on a regular basis. Maybe three or four times a week. It"s a good idea to do a wide range of exercises rather than focus on just one such as weight lifting. For example, do fifteen minutes of stretching and aerobics, combined with a half hour of bike riding and another fifteen minutes of weight lifting on two days of the week. On the other two, play some basketball, go jogging and use the elliptical. Varying your routine will help keep you coming back, as well as help keep your whole body fit.在健身的時候,你要記住重要的一點,就是持之以恆。也就是說,你要定期地去健身房鍛煉。也許一周三到四次。比起只做一項運動,例如舉重,嘗試多種多樣的運動是一個不錯的選擇。例如,每周抽出兩天時間,做15分鐘的伸展運動和健美操,再配合半個小時腳踏車,加上15分鐘的舉重。剩下的兩天可以打打籃球、慢跑和做做橢圓機鍛煉。豐富自己的計劃可以使你堅持下來,對你保持身體健康也有益。

In the Gym Dialogue健身房常用對話

1. Hello, my name is Jane and I"d like to ask a few questions about getting fit.你好,我叫簡。我想問一些關於健身的問題。

2. Hi, Jane. What can I do for you?你好,簡。我能為你做些什麼?

1. I need to get in shape.我需要保持體型。

2. Well, you"ve come to the right place. Have you been doing any exercise lately?哦,那你真是來對地方了。最近你有做過什麼鍛煉嗎?

1. I"m afraid not.恐怕沒有。

2. OK. We"ll start off slow. Which type of exercise do you enjoy doing?好,我們會循序漸進的開始。你喜歡做什麼類型的運動?

1. I like doing aerobics, but I hate jogging. I don"t mind doing some weight-lifting, though.我想跳健美操,但討厭慢跑。不過我倒不介意做一些舉重的鍛煉。

2. Great, that gives us plenty to work with. How often can you work out?棒極了,我們要做的工作有許多。你多久做一次運動?

1. Twice or three times a week would be good.一周兩次或三次挺好的。

2. Why don"t we start with an aerobics class twice a week followed by a little weight lifting?為什麼不一周上兩次健美操課,然後再做一些舉重的鍛煉呢?

1. Sounds fine to me.聽起來不錯。

2. You"ll need to start slowly and build up gradually to three or four times a week.你需要循序漸進,然後再慢慢加強到每周三到四次。

1. OK. What kind of equipment will I need?好的。我需要準備哪些裝備?

2. You"ll need a leotard and some sneakers.你需要一件緊身連衣褲和幾雙膠底運動鞋。

1. Is that all? How do I sign up for the classes?這些就夠了嗎?我該怎麼報名?

2. We"ll need you to join the gym and then you can choose which classes fit your schedule best.我們需要你加入健身房,然後你就可以選擇最適合你的時間表的課程了。

1. Great! I can"t wait to get started. Thanks for your advice.真棒!我迫不及待地想要開始了。謝謝你的建議。

2. No problem. I"ll see you in aerobics class!不客氣。咱們健美操課上見!

Key Vocabulary重點辭彙

(do) exercise 鍛煉

advice 建議

aerobics 健美操

changing room 更衣室

elliptical 橢圓機

equipment 裝備

exercise bike 健身腳踏車

get fit 健身

get in shape 保持體型

jogging 慢跑

join 加入

leotard 健身連衣褲

push-up 俯卧撐

sauna 桑拿浴

sign up 註冊

sit-up 仰卧起坐

sneakers 膠底運動鞋

spinning class 動感單車課

steam room 蒸汽浴室

stretching 伸展運動

treadmill 跑步機

unwind 放鬆

weight lifting machines 舉重機

weight lifting 舉重

whirlpool 浴缸

Zumba 尊巴



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