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【餐飲】Studio Tate | Middletown 咖啡廳 ? 現代繆斯



Middletown Cafe is the embodiment of refined style and thoughtful consideration to detail. Designed by Melbourne-based interior architecture practice Studio Tate, the bold yet refined interior is the personification of Middletown』s 『modern muse』, the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton.

與平面設計工作室Pop + Pac合作,將從繆斯中吸取創意靈感概念化了。 這樣的方法注重室內建築和環境的融合,形成了充滿凝聚力的品牌理念,才是真正的原創設計。

The unique decision to draw creative inspiration from a muse was conceptualised in partnership with graphic design studio Pop + Pac. This unifying approach marries interior architecture and environmental graphics, delivering a cohesive brand-led outcome and a truly original approach to hospitality design.

經典而不失精美,每個細節都呈現出完美。向凱特從英國鄉村到威斯敏斯特修道院再到肯辛頓宮的旅程致敬。 邁向這些標誌性的歷史時刻,也體現了凱特長久以來的溫暖和謙卑,無論她是否成為英國高層社會的頂峰。

Contemporary-meets-classic and beautifully resolved, intricate details and finishes pay homage to Kate』s journey from the English countryside to Westminster Abbey, and to her current residence in Kensington Palace. While drawing on these iconic historical references, Middletown also embodies Kate』s enduring warmth and humility irrespective of her rise to the pinnacle of British high society.


Solid and robust in materiality, the interior comprises a thoughtful layering of textures that nod to the new and the old, such as contemporary terrazzo flooring laid in a traditional checkerboard pattern. Other materials include stone, metal and timber, all grounded within walls of deep blue.

空間的女性化的細節設計令人觸動很深,如黃銅,柔和的傢具和蒼白的木材。 複雜的人字紋包層和使用穿孔木材造型造成視覺興趣,乾淨的線條和溫暖的照明增添了溫馨舒適的氛圍。

While immediately striking, the space is softened by feminine details such as accents of brass, pastel furnishings and pale timbers. Intricate herringbone cladding and the use of perforated timber mouldings create visual interest, while clean lines and warm lighting add to the welcoming, comfortable ambience.

米德爾頓咖啡廳是一個大膽和輕巧,複雜和精緻,經典和現代的對比。 從大幅面到最小的細節,所有元素相結合,營造出豪華而平易近人的感官體驗。

Designed with intelligence, Middletown is a considered contrast of bold and light, intricate and refined, classic and contemporary. From the big picture right down to the smallest detail, all elements combine to create a luxurious yet approachable sensory experience.

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