首頁 > 最新 > 家長該如何引導孩子學習?一個案例


最近看的一本書the importance of being little裡面講了一個挺生動的案例,我摘選如下,算是個優秀的美式教育的一個典範(注意「優秀」兩個字,並不是所有美式教育都是優秀的),希望那些希望幫助孩子成長、引導孩子學習的成年人,看完有所啟發(盡量看原文,翻譯是我瞎翻的)。

作者之前的文章也介紹過,Erika Christakis,畢業於哈佛大學,後來在耶魯大學兒童研究中心一直從事兒童教育方面的工作,是兒童與教育發展方面的專家。

It』s a wintry morning at the Calvin Hill Daycare in New Haven, Connecticut, and the kindergartners are about to start their morning meeting. The children know the routine and gather with minimal fuss, forming a tight cluster on the floor and on two small benches. Winnie Naclerio, the lead teacher, starts the meeting with a question:

一個冬天的早晨,Calvin Hill幼兒園(你可以理解成耶魯大學幼兒園)準備開始上課,Winnie Naclerio老師提出了一個問題:




「Some of us have noticed our fish moves back and forth in its tank, and we』re wondering if it has bones inside its body,」 she explains. Hands shoot up with a vocal mix of yeses and nos as her simple prompt unleashes a flood of hypotheses.


「Yeah! Yeah!」 Ben volunteers, 「A long time ago it just happened, I mean, I don』t know where it happened or in which country but, uh, like, seventy people went into the water and maybe eighty or ninety piranhas came up and bit them on their legs! With their teeth!」


「Wow, yes,」 Winnie responds. 「That』s interesting because teeth are a kind of bone, aren』t they? But we wouldn』t have a piranha fish in our fish tank,」 she reassures the nodding faces.


「Eels don』t really have bones,」 Ava comments.


「Oh?」 Winnie asks. 「I wonder if we all think that』s true? Why do you think eels don』t have bones?」


「Because for them it』s easier for them to slither, like snakes,」 Lucas observes.


「Oh? Hmm. Do snakes have bones?」 Winnie continues.


「NO!」 Ryan pipes up.

「No way,」 shouts Margot.

A collective murmur of arguing begins to spread through the group.


「I』m just asking,」 Winnie explains. 「I didn』t say I know the answer. We may need to get out our books and do some research to figure this out. Do snakes have bones?」


「No. No,」 several children murmur.


「Yes, but really long bones!」 Gavin interjects.


「Like anacondas.」


「Well then, how do they slither around?」 a girl asks, a little plaintively.


「Okay,」 Winnie summarizes, 「so we』re saying that some people think that snakes do have bones and some people say they don』t have bones. Angie』s asking if they do, how can they slither, you know, how can they move their body from side to side like this」—she mimics a slithering snake with her hand—「if they have a hard bone that doesn』t move inside their body?」


Winnie notices that Sophie has been quiet and asks her to join in.

「Um, at my house I have this goldfish, and I can see its fins and they get kind of black.」



「Can you see any bones in your goldfish, I wonder?」 Winnie probes.


「Uh-huh,」 Sophie nods, 「I can see them through the clearish body a little.」


「You can? That』s interesting. So how do you think the fish might move with bones in it?」


「Um . . . I think it just moves its tail fins and then it can really move fast.」


「Okay, Sophie was saying that she has a fish and she can see its bones and also that it moves with its tail fin. Is there anything on a snake that would help it move if it had bones? I think we』re going to have to do some research on this because I don』t know. . . . Hang on, I』ll come back to you,」 she assures a child. 「Alma, what do you think?」


「They just have bones that, um, look like fish, but I』ve been wondering how people eat fish if they don』t take the bones out of it already and also the dinosaurs do not have hands.」


「You』re right the dinosaurs did not have hands. But I wonder if they had bones in another part of their body. Did the dinosaurs have bones?」


「Like fossils in the ground from a long, long, long time ago, and it』s hard like a rock that you have to dig up,」 Matthew explains.


「Okay, so we』re remembering that dinosaurs have these big, hard bones that can become fossilized, like stone. Fossils.」


「Jayden』s looking at the book,」 someone tattles.


「I know, I saw that,」 Winnie nods.

A few children begin to complain that Jayden isn』t following the class rules.



「Yes, I saw Jayden pick up the book. And it looks like some of our friends are wondering why I didn』t tell him to put the book away, since we don』t allow that in meeting. But I could see that he picked up the animal encyclopedia book and he』s looking for the picture of the snake, so I thought that would be a good idea.」


Another child complains that Jayden was flipping through multiple pages, and not just looking at the one snake page.


「Yes, I saw that, too,」 Winnie patiently observes. 「But you know, it』s hard sometimes to find the page you are looking for, so I was noticing that Jayden was trying to find the page in the book with the snakes. It seems like he is doing some research to help us. Is that right, Jayden?」


Jayden nods.


「Okay, so I think we can all stop worrying about the book. Now . . . Mason, you looked like you knew the answer. Tell us your thoughts. We』re still talking about snakes and bones.」


「Well, snakes have little square bones,」 Mason explains, as he forms a circle with his hands.

「It』s like one bone, one bone, one bone, one bone, one bone.」 He gestures with karate chops, suggesting a series of bones attached to a spine. 「And they can move because that』s how the bones are so small and it just moves like that.」

Hands shoot up again.


「Okay, so we』re wondering if it』s 『one bone, one bone, one bone, one bone,』 like Mason says」—Winnie mimics his karate gestures—「all the way down the snake』s body in a line, and that』s what helps them move and slither?」


「Yes!」 several children declare in unison.


「Well, I think we are going to have to find out a lot more.」


There are many striking aspects of this conversation: the children』s verbal sophistication and observational powers; the important role of the children』s own prior experiences; the highly social nature of learning; and of course the passionate struggle to reconcile what the children already know about bones—that giant dinosaurs have them and that they are hard as rock—with the perplexing ability of bony fish and snakes to move fluidly.


1、 孩子使用複雜辭彙的能力以及觀察能力;

2、 孩子自己有過的經驗無比重要;

3、 高度社交化的學習方式;

4、 把不同孩子對骨頭的不同認知協調一致,比如說大家都知道恐龍有骨頭,而且堅如磐石,但魚和蛇的骨頭和它們移動的方式又有矛盾。

Another surprise is that not once in this dialogue does Winnie ever actually 「teach」 the children anything specific about snakes and fish bones. (As I was observing the conversation, I had to fight the temptation to yell out 「Cartilage!」) She also goes well beyond the kind of bromides we』d find on a classroom poster (「Take care of ourselves and others!」) and coaches the children to think as an organic whole, which we see when she diverts the children from hectoring a child who has violated the class norms. Winnie respects the children』s indignation by carefully explaining her decision to allow Jayden to continue looking at his book, but, unlike other teachers in so many bleak Circle Time meetings, where rules and regulations seem to drive curriculum, Winnie is flexible enough to recognize why his infraction is a sign of research, not disobedience.


The ability to see oneself as a researcher is what we call a transferable skill; it can serve as a template for learning in all settings and about any topic. Transferable skills are the most efficient ones to teach children because they can be applied to novel situations requiring new solutions. Being a researcher is the kind of skill we want children to hone early in life so they aren』t dependent on others to spoon-feed them. A researcher』s mind-set is key to most scientific and artistic endeavors, and in fact, there』s increasing evidence that preschoolers who don』t learn to think like researchers show fewer problem-solving skills and less curiosity than children who learn in a more investigative, collaborative fashion.

研究能力是一種「可轉移技能(transferable skill)」,它是學習一切技能的根本,教育孩子最有效的方式就是傳授他們這種技能,這樣才能使他們在任何新環境下都能快速找到解決方案,培養孩子的研究能力越早越好,這樣才能讓他們不依賴別人「飯來張口」,無論是科學還是藝術領域,具備研究能力都是成功的關鍵,已經有很多證據證明,小時候不知道怎麼做研究的孩子,長大後解決問題的能力、好奇心都要弱很多,而那些從小就知道如何調查問題、如何與他人協作的孩子,表現則正好相反。

Researchers rarely work in isolation these days, of course, and in Winnie』s class, each child is elevating the discourse to a new level, even when (as with Sophie』s description of her goldfish』s fins that get black or the initial talk about piranhas) their comments appear tangential. Where other teachers might have tried to stem the river of thoughts, some deeply inchoate, bubbling up from the children,Winnie works instead to keep it flowing, knowing as she does that each child』s perspective waters the ground of another』s mind.


Mason is probably the only child who has actually seen a snake』s skeleton; he, alone, is struggling to explain how the small bones can move flexibly while fixed to a backbone. But even Mason needs Winnie』s supportive guidance, which we see as she repeats and demonstrates his 「one bone, one bone, one bone」 idea to make it clearer to the others.


Winnie understands that early learning is fundamentally social in nature and that, in kindergarten, there is no zero-sum trade-off between group and individual goals.Later, she told me, the children did a full investigation about animal bones. Winnie has a good relationship with Yale』s Peabody Museum curators and was able to borrow a codfish spine and a complete fish skeleton for the children to explore.But fish anatomy was not her goal, critical thinking was.





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